LU ĢZZF Doktorantūras skolas "Zemes resursi un to ilgtspējīga izmantošana" lekcijā tiks skatīti ilgtspējīgas attīstības pētniecības, arī kā jaunas zinātnes nozares, veidošanās jautājumi, akcentējot sociāli atbildīgu pētniecību, kā arī disciplināro, interdisciplināro un transdisciplināro pieeju komplementaritāti.

Lektors: LU viesprofesors Gerds Mikelsens (Gerd Michelsen), Līneburgas Universitāte, Vācija

Lekcijas valoda: angļu  
Notiek: š.g. 21. novembrī, plkst. 16.00–18.00
501. auditorija, Dabas māja, Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskais centrs, Jelgavas iela 1.

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Par LU ĢZZF Doktorantūras skolu “Zemes resursi un to ilgtspējīga izmantošana
Lekciju cikla papildus informācija

Lector: Professor Gerd Michelsen is senior professor for sustainability science (2014-), being also holder (2005-) of the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education for Sustainable Development at Leuphana University Lüneburg (Germany) and now in 2019 also guest-professor at Environmental Science Department, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia. He studied economics in Freiburg (Germany), has a doctoral degree in economics and the ‘venia legendi’ in adult education. From 1995 to 2013 he was a professor for ecology, sustainability and environmental communication, as well as developing and directing the Institute for Sustainability and Environmental Communication at Leuphana University Lüneburg, where he was also Vice-President for Education, Teaching and Training (2004-2006). He received the B.A.U.M. Scientific Award in 1998. His fields of research and publications are in (higher) education for sustainable development, sustainability and environmental communication, sustainable consumption.

Sustainability Science: why and for what?
The lecture deals with the question of what characterizes sustainability research in the context of science. Backgrounds such as the special role of science in the horizon of sustainability are discussed, whereby aspects such as disciplinarity, inter- and transdisciplinarity play a role. Socially oriented research, research as a learning process and context dependency of research are explained as central elements of sustainability research. Finally, the question of the opportunities and limits of sustainability research is addressed. In small groups, open questions will be discussed and a task will be worked on.
