
Associate professor Kristaps Lamsters
E-mail: kristaps.lamsters@lu.lv

The aim
The Department of Geomorphology and Geomatics was established in 1999 as a structural unit of the Department of Geography. Since its establishment, the scientific activity of the department has been purposefully oriented towards conducting and developing fundamental and applied research in various directions of Quaternary research, geomorphology and geomatics at the interface between natural geography, geology and human geography.

Directions of action
The Department of Geomorphology and Geomatics is the leading academic structural unit in Quaternary research, geomorphology and paleogeography in Latvia.

Academic staff
Dr. geol., PhD (Tallinn University of Technology), professor Normunds Stivriņš
Dr. geol., associate professor Ivars Strautnieks
Dr. geol., associate professor Kristaps Lamsters
Dr. geogr., docent Ineta Grīne
Dr. geol., assistant professor Aivars Markots
Dr. geol., assistant professor Jānis Lapinskis
Dr. geogr., leading researcher Māris Nartišs
Dr. geogr., leading researcher Laimdota Kalniņa
M. sc. ing., researcher Agnis Rečs

Scientific and study staff
Mg. geol., researcher Aija Ceriņa

Research directions
The main directions of scientific research are:

  1. The subglacial, marginal and subglacial environment of the glacier and their spatio-temporal changes during the Late Vistula glaciation.
  2. Sediment accumulation and relief-forming processes at the end of the ice age and the post-glacial period.
  3. Based on lacustrine and marsh sedimentary evidence, the spatio-temporal changes of the Holocene natural environment.
  4. Implementation and development of integrated spatial and data analysis methods.

The directions of the department's scientific research are determined under the priority directions of Latvian science and the strategic plan of the UL for the period from 2010 to 2020 (priority "Sustainable use of national resources"). The development of studies of geospatial analysis of the glacial environment have also made it possible to obtain new data that meet the requirements of modern science about the development of the basin and hydrographic network and inland dunes at the end of the ice age.

Cooperation partners
The academic staff advises various private companies, government agencies and institutions on effectively implementing and using GIS and Internet mapping solutions, Earth remote sensing data and GPS data processing and visualisation. Joint field research and scientific events are organised, and joint publications are prepared. In Latvia, the department cooperates with the Department of Chemistry at Daugavpils University. During the last decade, various contacts with universities in other countries have developed rapidly, including conducting collaborative projects and organising scientific events, including conference sections of the University of Latvia, visits of young researchers abroad and lectures.