Latvian Quaternary Research Association (LATQUA) was founded in 1998. It was admitted to the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) as a full member at the XV INQUA Congress in Durban (RSA) in 1999. 

Scientists from LATQUA are also included in INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group (PWG), which organises annual scientific symposiums. PWG is a regional group of researchers active in different fields of Quaternary science. The PWG activities are subordinated to the INQUA Commission on Terrestrial Processes, Deposits and History (TERPRO).

LATQUA aims to develop studies, related to the Quaternary environment and cooperation between scientists of different sub-fields of Quaternary Science.

The tasks of LATQUA are as follows:

  • to promote research on the development of nature and human environment in Quaternary and dynamics of Quaternary processes and formations in Latvia;
  • to promote cooperation between scientists of different Quaternary science fields;
  • to coordinate international and regional cooperation in Quaternary environmental research;
  • to represent the interests of Latvian Quaternary researchers in Latvia and international organisations.
  • to promote the inclusion of Latvian Quaternary researchers in INQUA (commissions, working groups and projects).

The work of LATQUA is managed by a board, consisting of five members. The board of LATQUA also forms the National Committee of INQUA in Latvia. INQUA National Committee of Latvia represents the interests of LATQUA in INQUA.

The work of LATQUA is organised in commissions and working groups.

Kristaps Lamsters
University of Latvia
Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga, LV-1586

LATQUA board and INQUA National Committee of Latvia:

Dr. Kristaps Lamsters – President, e-mail:

Dr. Jānis Karušs – Secretary, e-mail:

Dr. Raimonds Kasparinskis – Coordinator, e-mail:

Dr. Normunds Stivriņš – International Communicator, e-mail:

Dr. Māris Krievāns – Treasurer, e-mail:

LATQUA members:

Ojārs Āboltiņš, Valdis Bērziņš, Jānis Bikše, Juris Burlakovs, Ivars Celiņš, Aija Ceriņa, Guntis Eberhards, Ieva Grudzinska, Maruta Jankevica, Valdis Juškevičs, Laimdota Kalniņa, Andis Kalvāns, Andris Karpovičs, Jānis Karušs, Raimonds Kasparinskis, Andris Klepers, Ilga Kokorīte, Māris Krievāns, Kristaps Lamsters, Agris Lācis, Ilze Loze, Ilze Vircava, Aivars Markots, Ilze Mūrniece, Māris Nartišs, Ilze Ozola, Dainis Ozols, Konrāds Popovs, Dmitrijs Poršņovs, Agnese Pujāte, Artūrs Putniņš, Vita Ratniece, Agnis Rečs, Ritvars Ritums, Artis Robalds, Tomas Saks, Aleksandrs Savvaitovs, Anita Saulīte, Valdis Segliņš, Juris Soms, Normunds Stivriņš, Ivars Strautnieks, Ilga Zagorska, Sandra Zeimule, Vitālijs Zelčs, Māris Zunde.

LATQUA honorary members:

Aleksis Dreimanis, the University of Western Ontario, emeritus prof., Dr. Sc.

Igors Danilāns, the University of Latvia (UL) prof., Dr. habil. geol.

Ints Veinbergs, Dr. habil. geol.

Vilnis Stelle, Dr. geol.

Ojārs Āboltiņš, UL emeritus prof., Dr. habil. geol.

Guntis Eberhards, UL emeritus prof., Dr. habil. geogr.

Vitālijs Zelčs, UL emeritus prof., Dr. geol.

Important information:

XXI INQUA Congress ("Time for Change" Rome, Italy, July 14–20, 2023).


Āboltiņš, O.P., 2010. No leduslaikmeta līdz globālai sasilšanai. Dabas vides pagātne un tagadne Latvijā. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 127

Dauškans, M., 2013. Kēmu terases Austrumlatvijas augstienēs. LU The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 126

Eberhards, G., 2013. Upju ieleju veidošanās un mūsdienu gultnes procesi Dienvidaustrumu Latvijā. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 213

Eberhards, G., Lapinskis J., 2008. Processes on the Latvian Coast of the Baltic Sea. Atlas. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 64

Grīnbergs, A., 2011. Latvijas ūdenskritumi un krāces. Rīga, Trīsdesmit seši, p. 207

Kasparinskis, R., 2012. Latvijas meža augšņu daudzveidība un to ietekmējošie faktori. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 156

Karušs, J. 2015. Ģeoradara izmantošana purvu nogulumu pētījumos. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 136

Kļaviņš, M. (red.), 2009. Mires and peat. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 216.

Kļaviņš, M., Andrušaitis, A. (atb. red.), 2008. Klimata mainība un globālā sasilšana. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 176

Krievāns, M. 2015. Hidrogrāfiskā tīkla veidošanās Lejas Gaujas senielejā pēdējā apledojuma beigu posmā. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 132

Lamsters, K. 2021. Contemporary glaciers. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 263

Markots, A., 2013. Plakanvirsas pauguru reljefs Austrumlatvijas augstienēs. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 108

Ozola, I., 2013. Holocēna organogēnie nogulumi purvos Ziemeļvidzemē. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 140

Segliņš, V., Stinkule, A., Stinkulis, Ģ., 2013. Derīgie izrakteņi Latvijā. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 184

Soms, J., 2013. Gravu morfoloģija Austrumlatvijā. The University of Latvia Press, Riga, p. 203

Stivriņš, N. 2019. The Principles of Palaeoecology. Jelgava, p. 76

Latvija. Zeme, daba, tauta, valsts., 2018. Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds, Rīga, p. 752